
Search results

  1. TWEL People

    TWEL People Faculty and Staff Name Title Office Phone Email Jeremy Bruskotter Professor 473B ...

  2. New open access data set available on caregiving

    caregiving across the life course (children, adults, and elderly) and includes data on why people are being ...

  3. Grants Fuel the Co-creation of Outdoor Play for Teen Girls and Their Communities

    environment, Mank’s present work is inspired by her observations of fewer young people visiting public spaces ...

  4. TWEL Completed Projects

    Coastal Wetlands of the Western Lake Erie Basin Stephanie A. Hauver, MS (2008) The role of genetic ... Stephanie Sforza, MS (2021) Spatial Analyses of Northern Bobwhite Occupancy and White-tailed Deer Hunter ...

  5. Rooting Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape part of the Gardening for Conservation webinar series with The Nature Conservancy and OSU Extension

    everywhere among us. And they’re causing big problems for people and wildlife alike. In this session, we’ll ...

  6. Tim Haab

    Maryland-College Park (1995) AEDE page: Google Scholar: ...

  7. Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day observed no classes, offices closed


  8. Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food

    interconnectedness of native plants, wildlife and people. Agenda 4:45 p.m. Doors open, food and beverage served. The ... include the Ice Age peoples of North America, Ohio's magnificent mounds and earthworks, and the ...

  9. Peer Leaders

    future I hope to have a career centered around environmental sustainability. Like most people in SENR, ... OSU is the opportunity to connect with people from various backgrounds and interests. It's ... outside of the SENR community. It's inspiring to see how within SENR, people with similar interests ...

  10. Joseph Campbell

    Engineering at The Ohio State University: Lessons Learned in Enriching Education While Helping People ...
