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Financial Tools and Wellness
empower all people to save money, reduce debt, and build wealth. [Healthy Finances Home] ...
First Mondays
People and Situations, Cynthia Torppa For more information, contact T, Diane ...
Wasting food is wasting money. Here’s how to keep food fresh and throw away less cash- Saving You Money
uneaten. All of that waste isn’t happening in people’s kitchens. But even on a smaller scale, allowing ...
Past ACEL to Extension Series
people communicate differently and how you can use your strengths to build relationships with your team ... and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through the workshop participants will learn their ... people through processes that provide useful information and data in making decisions and developing ...
Ohio State Opens New Research Center on Animal-Human Interaction
Zoo and Aquarium. Attendees can mingle with the animals and the people who study or train them in the ... interaction is a daily event in peoples’ lives, from the food they’re eating, to the wildlife they encounter, ... talked about, the impact humans have on animals. “People typically look at it from the human perspective ...
About the Curriculum
designed to promote young people’s SEL (Greenberg, Mark T.; Weisberg, Roger P.; O’Brien, Mary Utne; ...
Southwest Ohio Beekeeper School
limited to 350 people and we usually are full within a week. Registration is available online. The ...
Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference
in concurrent sessions. Last year, over 900 people attended, including about 400 crop consultants. ...
Extension Keys
defined by how people behave, the ideal employees are those who most closely align with your desired ... behaviors” (p. 9). Therefore, the important question was, “What level of agreement do the people in our ... for the Extension organization; and 600 people participated. These sessions included an introduction ...
Extensive Spread of Corn Toxin Could Affect 2019 Crop
for their crop, Paul said. High moisture levels spur the spread of vomitoxin, which can cause people ... are consumed, this toxin can also make people ill, which is why the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ... immune to Gibberella ear rot. So, buying a hybrid that resists the disease is akin to people getting ...