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Copyright Information
right to copy, distribute, modify, and display or authorize other people to do so. The 1978 copyright ...
Plant and Pest ID
Have a pest or plant issue that needs diagnosed? If so, please fill out the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Form, and e-mail it, along with photos, to We suggest taking photos from multiple angles and perspectives. You may also bring a sample ...
4-H Open House
tables set up with different projects and people on hand to answer questions, and help with enrollment. ...
Extension Professionals' Creed
I believe in people and their hopes, their aspirations, and their faith; in their right to make ... the keys to democracy and that people when given facts they understand, will act not only in their ... views of others. I believe that Extension is a link between the people and the ever-changing discoveries ...
Williams County Welcomes Jeff Dick Back to 4-H Youth Development Educator Role
and Natural Resources (ANR) Educator Stephanie Karhoff, 4-H and ANR Program Assistant Jessica Runkel, ...
Taste of Franklin County
Franklin County Farm Bureau has been bringing people together for over 100 years and believes in ...
Dining with Diabetes Workshop
Dining with Diabetes is a nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their ...
Safe Food Preservation Marquee Slide Gray Marquee ...
Taste of Franklin County
Franklin County Farm Bureau has been bringing people together for over 100 years and believes in ...
Take Charge of Diabetes for the Holidays
a variety of challenges for people living with diabetes. Join Jenny Lobb, Registered Dietitian and OSU ...