
Search results

  1. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Paulding County Fair

    for people to check out at their leisure. With the eye-catching SWT van set up outside of Acres of ... a wide variety of people from children and high school students to adult consumers and agricultural ... behind. In talking with young kids, we explained the numerous ways people can utilize the corn and ...

  2. Changing the way a Basic website displays people listings.

    There are new ways that you can display the people section of your Basic Template website. You may ...

  3. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Pickaway County Fair

    opportunity to speak with people entering and exiting the fair throughout the day. Some highlights of the day ... people we spoke to were intrigued by the future of the bioproducts market. I noticed a reoccurring theme ...

  4. JOANN and 4-H Collaborate!

    cards, which were used to send love to people in their local communities. Here in Franklin County, the ...

  5. Updates and changes for the Person content type and related items.

    correct proportions. People profiles that were created before the update will stay the former size until ...

  6. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Franklin & Crawford County

    front of a livestock show arena, and talked with people as they walked about the fairgrounds. We played ... opportunities they provide. The majority of people we spoke with in Franklin County were consumers, which was ...

  7. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: 1 Week, 3 County Fairs

    were happy to share the word of sustainability and the contributions of agriculture with the people of ... different types of people, but one thing that everyone shares is an appreciation for sustainable practices. ...

  8. Local Food Champion- Tim McDermott

    our environment and all people. Since joining OSU Extension in 2015 and joining the Franklin County ...

  9. Sustainable Choices For Music Festivals

    festival for life if attendees carpool, offers a bottle exchange program, and more to motivate people to be ... products to lessen your carbon footprint and be more sustainable. Nowadays, many people like to wear ... camping for the duration of the festival. Many people bring their own tents to these festivals, but will ...

  10. Marilyn Rabe Retired After 26 Years of Service

    Marilyn’s favorite extension memories include all of the wonderful people she was able to meet and worked ...
