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  1. Show Me the Evidence: New Student Group Focuses on Communicating About Science

    lawn care. “If you don’t challenge junk science and myths, people will accept and propagate them as ... discusses how to address myths without alienating people who might have a different view, said Annie Specht, ... assistant professor in ACEL and one of the group’s advisers. “For a lot of people involved in science, the ...

  2. What The Emergence of Social Media Can Teach Us About the Future of the Bioeconomy

    satisfy the growing job market. Ohio’s manufacturing industry already employs 691,800 people, according to ... positions develop in the agricultural industry, and more people will be producing biomass than ever before. ...

  3. Hunger Amid Plenty: Lack of Food More Widespread Than Many Realize

    hunger in Ohio is that people think it occurs only in very poor households,” said Pat Bebo, director of ... widespread than many people believe, added Irene Hatsu, food security specialist for OSU Extension. OSU ... Environmental Sciences. “A lot of people think hunger is concentrated in inner cities and low-income areas, but ...

  4. Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer: Darke & Allen County

    With our Sustainable World Tour van next to our table, we had a steady flow of people stop by, and ask ...

  5. People


  6. Biobased Healthcare

    cross-contamination and infections, especially for those with compromised immune systems. Finally, many people often ...

  7. Farm Science Review 2017

    products we use every day. For example, many people are familiar with Tide laundry detergent, but several ...

  8. Bioeconomy Basics: How Humans Have Been Producing Bioproducts For Thousands Of Years

    Administration, in the United States, we use around 20 million barrels of oil every day. In the early ‘70s, people ...

  9. Employee Emergency Response Training

    in establishing an employee preparedness plan: In the event of an emergency how will people reconnect ...

  10. Getting a Job on the Farm- Labor Issues for Young Farm Workers

    will be at the Firebaugh Building in OSU Central. Concerns with young people working agricultural jobs ... change, what was learned from the experience is a lot of people didn't know the requirements. This ...
