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  1. Video Production

    Video is king of content and it's easy to see why. People find videos more engaging, more ...

  2. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Kentucky

    savings of time and money. Notes from phone interview: Glink is a Microsoft thing and people have all ... trainings. Yeah, not to mention what was the value of the training. You got more people doing it. Just in ... and to leverage that program and see more people. The following describes an innovative person. ...

  3. OSU Extension: Family and Consumer Sciences

    People Healthy Relationships   Though topics vary from county to county, contact your local county office ...

  4. SAMMIE module topics

    must do to get your program ready to be evaluated. Getting Everybody on Board Sometimes people will ... people, it is imperative that their rights be protected. Learn about your responsibilities in this ... to people is the age-old way of collecting information. This module helps you conduct the most ...

  5. Assistive Technology and Universal Design

    efficiency. However people with disabilities face even greater challenges in performing essential tasks in ...

  6. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

    really bright, energetic, creative young people to do that. Traditionally we would have hired somebody ... dramatically, because a lot of people took those early retirement options. And so right as I got here, we went ... 100 new people, and we have a total of 240 agents in the field. So it was a significant amount of ...

  7. What Ohio AgrAbility Means to Me!

    people, they do good things. The Track chair itself is amazing, I mean it’s letting me do things in life ... organization that helps people with handicaps prolong their life on the farm; makes it easier for them to do ...

  8. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: The Pennsylvania State University

    track where people look on the screen, and it maximise-- taking their eye movement where you want them ... there, and how people like it, if they don't like it, if we need to do something different. ... Public Media and ourself at Outreach. And some of that's certainly people's salaries and stuff ...

  9. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Delaware

    people effectively. And there's already some research out there that speaks to us, but this would be ... I don't think the idea is novel. I think lots of people are doing this. For us, what's novel is that ... design skill sets. All we have to know is the content, and how we might engage people. And they even ...

  10. Help for Injured or Aging Farmers

    University Extension’s Ohio AgrAbility program. The program offers free on-site assessments for people with ... and 21 at 10 a.m. Under the Ohio AgrAbility tent at the Review, people can see motorized doors for ... shock absorbers to prevent a bumpy ride. “People might think ‘I don’t have a disability. I don’t need to ...
