
Search results

  1. Food Waste News

    committed to two missions: first, to educate people about reducing food waste, and second, to explore ways ...

  2. 4-H Projects go to Fair

    MORE! 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and ...

  3. 4-H Animal Projects: An Option for any 4-H Member

    young people across America who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills as they work in ...

  4. Extension Today: Live Healthy in 2022

    also improves your mental health and well-being. SMART Goals:   Many people make New Year's ... EXPERTS! OSU Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)  serves thousands of people throughout Ohio every ... focused on building healthy people, healthy finances, and healthy relationships. We help people keep ...

  5. 4-H Professionals Inservice

    make our 4-H program more welcoming to all the people we serve. The purpose of the IDI discussion and ...

  6. Organizational Development

    improving an organization’s capability through the alignment of strategy, structure, people, rewards, ...

  7. Mental Health and Wellness

    unique understanding of people with lived experience, these programs and support groups provide ...

  8. Greenhouse Production

    with long-distance transportation. The increasing number of people moving toward densely-populated areas can be ...

  9. Fayette County Mural Project Strengthens Local Economy

    and Fayette County community and economic development. The ceremony brought in many people from the ... participation. In addition, the potential of people to understand themselves, change how they see the world, ...

  10. Principal Investigator Considerations

    responsibilities include: Provide leadership, support, and guidance to the people who may be hired to do the ... outcomes promised in the proposal and/or contract; Enough involvement with the project and/or the people to ... who and what will be involved. You need to be prepared to fulfill your promises to the people who ...
