
Search results

  1. Area Leader Update — including a complete list of the current Extension leadership team and area leaders. You can ...

  2. Scholarship Opportunities

    explain the 4-H program to an audience of people who are clueless about 4-H.  Your essay should focus on ...

  3. Early Childhood Education Programming

    ://   SNAP-ED SNAP-ED is an evidence-based program that helps people make their SNAP dollars stretch, teaches ...

  4. Hardin and Morgan Counties – Funding Levies Pass

    faculty and staff who serve those counties. As you know, we have a tremendous responsibility to the people ...

  5. 4-H Project Books Payment Info

    should also have a blanket tax exemption on file from the club. Individual people (such as 4-Hers, their ...

  6. Buckeye Blood Battle

    Buckeye Blood Battle Title…and I’ve heard that we are SUPER close to winning if we get some more people to ...

  7. Christie Engler

    understands the unique needs of entrepreneurs and how to best partner with them to achieve ‘people ...

  8. Family and Consumer Sciences

    Better Lives, Stronger Communities OSU Extension family and consumer sciences (FCS) gives people ... food practices, better nutrition, better finances and better relationships – helping people acquire the ... of people’s lives. We work to make information accessible to all Ohioans. You can count on FCS to ...

  9. The Butler County Fair is Almost Here

    youth, young people involved in 4-H experience: greater educational achievements greater motivation and ...

  10. NCR-SARE Announces 2024 Call for Youth Educator Grant Proposals

    for youth educators in the North Central Region to teach young people about sustainable agriculture (farming and ...
