
Search results

  1. Volunteer-Only Thank You Celebration

    Gardeners, so this will be a fun time to meet new people.  Please RSVP to Trish Clark at, ...

  2. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...

  3. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...

  4. County Centennial Celebrations

    including "Centennial families" in the county. (Hardin County) Post videos of people telling ... photos and stories that show the history of Extension in the county. Ask people to comment on the photos ...

  5. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    fifty people the wonderful benefits that they all gained through the Butler County 4-H program.  Each ... many people fear public speaking more than death.  4-H teaches countless life skills used in our ... people and their families gain beneficial skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and ...

  6. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    assisting people with informed decision-making through responsive research, education, entrepreneurial ...

  7. 4-H Counting on Alumni to Raise Their Hands in National Contest

    are relating to people all of the time.” While she grew up on a livestock farm, helped bale hay and ...

  8. Starting a Farm? We Can Teach You How

    for people interested in starting a farm to find out basic information about what crops to plant or ...

  9. Ohio Saves Week 2015

    Save Today and Indulge Later All over America, people just like you are proving that you ...

  10. Farmers Must Prepare for the Unthinkable

    key people that should be involved. Is there someone who wants to keep the farm going? Understand each ...
