
Search results

  1. Turfgrass program brings Ed Nangle, Ph.D., aboard

    Ed Nangle has joined the Ohio State ATI faculty as an assistant professor in the turfgrass program. Prior to Ohio State ATI, Nangle served as director of turfgrass programs for the Chicago District Golf Association, where, among other duties, he was respo ...

  2. Bonnie Ayars Hired as Dairy Program Specialist

    for the position "My life has been devoted to cows, people, and my passion has been the ... opportunity to work with young people." Her office and contact information is: 222C Animal Science ...

  3. L. Walden

    219 Jim, Do you have a room available at 2 PM tomorrow?   Space for 4 people to meet prior to IAC ...

  4. Employee Emergency Response Training

    in establishing an employee preparedness plan: In the event of an emergency how will people reconnect ...

  5. 2019 Great Decisions series at COW addresses global health

    magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” in 2011, and a National Geographic “Emerging Explorer” ...

  6. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    Candace Lease Pictured bottom: (L to R): Kayla Oxendale, Victoria Trbovich, Stephanie Telek, Cayla ...

  7. AFA = Awesome, Fun, Amazing

    opportunity to connect with new people, hear different viewpoints, and express my ideas as well. As a 1 st ...

  8. Back to School Preparedness Tips and Resources

    phone numbers. Discuss pick-up or bus schedules and alternative/emergency back-up people involved in ...

  9. E. Ozkan Web site: Wednesday, December 21, 2016- 8:30am to ...

  10. Information from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on Employing Teenagers

    promote fair, inclusive, and discrimination-free workplaces for millions of young people. At the height of ... last summer (July 2005), more than 7 million young people age 16 to19 joined the U.S. workforce, ...
