
Search results

  1. IDA Program Success: Kunlé Gaiusbayode

    was able to assess how other people saved. Kunlé learned about the IDA course through Susan Colbert, ...

  2. Physical Activity

    Regular physical activity, along with proper nutrition, is beneficial and can improve the health of people ...

  3. LGBTQ

    Allies of United wiht LGBT People (PFLAG)LAG and or Stonewall Groups Cincinnatti Equality Cincinnatti ...

  4. 11/1/16- 4-H In-Service Poster Presentation Application

    immediate surroundings. OSU Extension has nationally recognized programs that help people make healthy ... Extension has nationally recognized programs that help people make healthy choices and catalyze the creation ... development approach to help young people develop characteristics that build a foundation for a positive ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Dog Expo

    Experienced 4-H dog volunteers and resource people will be present to help 4-H members. Dog project members ...

  6. Statewide Master 4-H PetPALS Volunteer Leader Training

    4-H PetPALS (People and Animals Linking Successfully) is an intergenerational  4-H project ...

  7. Sharing the Spaces in Between

    the United States is a story told only in terms of black and white people, as though Latinos are not ... even a part of the equation. Similarly, the binary of gay vs straight people largely leaves bi and ...

  8. Senior Series

    Memory Loss- Safe Use and Storage of Medication- Dealing with Stress and Depression- When Good People ...

  9. Science Saturday- Healthy Soils CSI Challenge

    to feeding people throughout the world. Limited to the first 24 registrations received. ...

  10. ACEL students compete in research forums

    important questions and using research to help solve problems and make communities, programs and people ...
