
Search results

  1. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    a Dairy Educational Forum and Open House on August 9, 2012 on the Columbus campus. About 100 people were ...

  2. Using Total Quality Management to Organize Labor and Work

    of the farm and the people that make up the farm. TQM is not just a change in process. Rather, it ... and evaluation is the essence of TQM. TQM and Hired Labor Some people believe that employee motivation ...

  3. Future Students

    transformation. We will connect you with people and places that emphasize the breadth of agriculture, yet focus on ...

  4. Alum, former faculty member named to National 4-H Hall of Fame

    of continuing to see the growth of people I have taught has been very satisfying to me.” Please ...

  5. Endeavor Center and Small Business Development Center

    accommodate 12 people, the medium room up to 30 and the large room will seat 75 comfortably.  These rooms are ...

  6. Defying the Laws of Nature

    people in the state had permits allowing them to sell seafood. Any advances in farming that make it ...

  7. Agricultural Reflections

    surprise to most people. Agriculture is changing. You know what, it has been changing for the past 50 years ...

  8. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    at the futures Class III prices to get an indication of where people trading contracts think milk ... on.  Apparently, not even 1.3 billion people could consume that much stuff, so the flow of dairy ... a sudden, the U.S. economy doesn’t look so bad anymore.  Because most people anticipate the Feds to raise ...

  9. Container Fruit Production May Have Good Potential in Ohio

    people before we decided on the specifics of our container fruit production plot. We toured Dr. Altland’s ...

  10. Six things to do to reduce income tax pains.

    return. 1. Get the business? records up-to-date. Most people don?t like keeping records, but waiting until ...
