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  1. Dairy Palooza 2019

    nearly 400 people were in attendance! With quality assurance training and a session on writing thank-yous ...

  2. DISCflex Workshop

    others, and realizing the impact of personal behavior on the people around you. Learn how to “flex” your ... into how an individual’s behavior impacts the people around her or him. DISC evaluates four key factors ... weaknesses, basic assumptions about other people), and a 360º view based on input from others you select. ...

  3. Cabbage Contest

    people have registered, it will close so don’t delay! To register, follow these steps: 1. You will need ...

  4. Fund Raising: Raffles, Bingo, Games of Chance

    private companies and people may donate to a public agency, and employees or officials may solicit and/or ...

  5. About OSU Extension

    information. No matter which county you visit, you can find people who are helped by the four major OSU ...

  6. Western Bean Cutworm Numbers Continue to Increase

    Western bean cutworm (WBC) trap counts for the week of July 20 – 26 continue to increase in many counties across Ohio. A total of 26 counties monitored 88 traps, resulting in 636 WBC adults (7.2 statewide average moths per trap) (Figure 1). Counties that ...

  7. ODA Asks Public to Not Plant any Unsolicited Packages of Seeds

    The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has been notified that several Ohio residents have received unsolicited packages in the mail containing seeds that appear to have originated from China. The types of seeds in the packages are currently unknown and ...

  8. 2020-24


  9. 2020 Ohio Wheat Performance Test

    Yield results for the 2020 Ohio Wheat Performance Test are online at: The purpose of the Ohio Wheat Performance Test is to evaluate wheat varieties, blends, brands, and breeding lines for ...

  10. New Crop Staging Videos

    A new suite of crop staging videos have been built by faculty at The Ohio State University that highlight corn, soybean, and alfalfa. The videos highlight some common staging methods for each crop, and connect the staging guidelines to practice using live ...
