
Search results

  1. New undergraduate minor in sustainability now available

    environmental dimensions of sustainability-- often referred to as people, planet and profit. Through enrollment in the EEDS ...

  2. Ohio 4-H has strength in (volunteer) numbers

    The positive youth development activities of 4-H uniquely prepare young people for success. All ... fact, 70 people were recognized for 50 or more years of service, including one "young lady" ...

  3. Sample Research Topics

    phenomena, watching animal behavior, or reactions of people in life situations. Natural responses to these ...

  4. News: Trio Grant Helps Boost Student Success

    building partnerships with key student resource people in the College of Food, Agriculture, and ...

  5. Swamp's reach growing: Improvements will ramp up programs, impact

    function, how to create and restore them, and how they benefit the environment and people. Water from the ...

  6. News: Ladonna Whitt wins OSU Distinguished Staff Award

    toward multiple constituencies — students, faculty, staff, campus visitors, delivery people and customers ...

  7. SENR's Ron Hendrick takes new position with CFAES; Jeff Sharp named school's interim director

    impact of our people, our infrastructure and our financial resources in achieving our mission," ...

  8. Ohio State ATI grad shooting for Rio in 2016

    and international events.     “I wanted to be involved in a team sport. I like working with people to ... The game is played indoors on a 40-by-20 meter court. “A lot of people think it’s racquetball or ...

  9. Dairy Cattle Judging team tours UK

    donors who help cover the expense.  "The thing that will stick with me is how amazing the people ...

  10. Drawing a line in the sand: Keeping clean, green marinas

    to people and aquatic life, and protect the water resources that sustain the boating industry. ...
