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  1. Farm to School program brings local produce to cafeterias

    In today's culture, people are more likely to be vegan and gluten-free and to choose organic ... works on coordinating and connecting people to the different resources Farm to School has to offer in ... "I love talking with people throughout the state and hearing how they incorporate Farm to School ...

  2. Third annual Diversity Leadership Symposium set for February

    helping people create deeper connections to organizations and the community; and thus helping the growth ... component of our university. However, the same people who we employ to reach those in need are themselves, ... often, the very ones who need to be reached. In other words, the people we send out to serve communities ...

  3. Leadership Center workshops: Customer Service; StrengthsFinder; Conflict Management; Personality Spectrum; How to Get Along

    Feb. 17: Give ’em the Pickle Customer Service We’re all in the same business — the people ... business. It’s not what we make or sell that’s critical; it’s how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job ... “pickles.” “Pickles” are those special or extra things you do to make people happy. It may be doing something extra for ...

  4. 2016 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    at events or just hanging out with people around the house, my greatest memories come from Delta ... I learned so much in and out of the classroom, met amazing people, and had an experience different from ...

  5. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Northern Marianas College

    the olden days- as I've been told by people on the island- back when this island was under the ... environmental sizes, so this kids-- you're trying to teach this young people the value of our natural ... production side, but more on the education side for young people." I said, "Absolutely." The ...

  6. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: University of Tennessee

    different teams. This is one of those teams. So the idea was, this group of people was going to help us ... that people are coming up with, with no basis or background. It's grounded in research findings or ... also some people. Heather is one that's only been with us about a year, so she's what ...

  7. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Utah State University

    the federal agencies, as well as the tourism and recreation folks- people who sometimes are at odds ... administration has this great idea and yet people in the field either don't want to do it, don't have ... by hiring contracted extension employees- people who are funded just by this grant and when these ...

  8. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Kansas State University

    have 30 young people that would organize into one or two community clubs. And instead what they've ... It's continuing now to grow. But the innovation there was so often people have said, "Well, but we ... right way, there is a huge opportunity to bring a whole lot more young people into the 4-H movement and ...

  9. CFAES Community Dialogue

      Carmen Connect “White People and Anti-Racist Work” led by members of the CFAES Diversity ...

  10. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Kentucky State University

    a mobile kitchen to help the people with process of their food, and [keeping date?], and have the food ...
