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Krauss Dairy
veterinarians, and field service people to the dairy industry. The OARDC Mastitis Lab is located in Gerlaugh Hall ...
Sheep Blog Offers Advice on Keeping the Flock Healthy and Profitable
“Ohio State has done a lot of research on sheep, but unfortunately not a lot of people are aware of the ... why Campbell turns research papers into shards of advice that people in the sheep industry can use. ... hopes to attract younger people to the site and inspire them to raise sheep, if they aren’t already ...
Dairy Palooza 2019
nearly 400 people were in attendance! With quality assurance training and a session on writing thank-yous ...
New Course Offering: AnimSci 5000
Looking for Major Elective Credit? Interested in learning how people make decisions regarding ...
Spring Dean’s List
Sarah Walker* Carter Wallinger Brittany Webb* Stephanie Wehmer Rachel Wermert Kristen Wetzel* Jarod Wood ...
BARK Seasonal Roles
BARK is what happens when a bunch of crazy dog people turn an obsession into a profession. ...
Rhinebeck Equine Veterinary Assistant Position
of people who are supportive, helpful and goal-oriented. They offer a competitive wage, excellent ...
Millenkamp Cattle Internship Opportunity
prefer people who are not veterinary school-bound. For more information on this internship, please see ...
Dairy Judging Team Makes Trip to Switzerland
with a top of $24,000, and a phenomenal cow show attended by over 1000 people. Our eyes and ears were ...
Change Your Employee Recruitment and Interview Mindset
and not enough emphasis on whether the person is the right fit for the farm. Smart people with the ...