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  1. September 2019 Highlights

    on Engineering and Food (ICEF13). The department hosted over 120 people this month at the annual FST ...

  2. Wilson completes internship with Ohio Farm Bureau

    hired, trained and managed a team of 25-30 young people that served as ambassadors throughout the fair ...

  3. We are Looking for Volunteers!

    energetic volunteers to advocate for, promote and help teach successful programs related to healthy people ...

  4. Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative Conference

    lot of people say, ‘Oh, they waste so much food at restaurants and supermarkets. I’ve seen the ... harvested worldwide is wasted before it is eaten – enough food to feed 2 billion people a year, according to ... population is expected to grow by 1 billion people. “So we can feed the increase in population just by ...

  5. PetPALS CGC #5

    is made up of three or more people, with at least one person using a mobility aid, such as crutches, ... wheelchair, walker, cane, etc. The crowd will mill around, people talking to each other, while the 4-H member ... in the people and equipment, but should continue to walk through and around the crowd and be ...

  6. Ramey completes internship with OSU Extension: Adventure Central

    Students complete coursework in program and people development, planning and leadership and gain the skills ... necessary to work with people of all ages and develop them into agents of change. For additional information ...

  7. IDA Program Success: Kunlé Gaiusbayode

    was able to assess how other people saved. Kunlé learned about the IDA course through Susan Colbert, ...

  8. Physical Activity

    Regular physical activity, along with proper nutrition, is beneficial and can improve the health of people ...

  9. National 4-H Conference

    for young people to connect, learn, engage, lead and impact their communities, their nation and their ...

  10. LGBTQ

    Allies of United wiht LGBT People (PFLAG)LAG and or Stonewall Groups Cincinnatti Equality Cincinnatti ...
