
Search results

  1. August

    table has room for the people presenting papers and a few others.  It’s a great format for giving your ...

  2. Ohio State, Punjab Agricultural University Help Train Kenyan Graduate Students in Agribusiness

    improve food security in the East African nation of 44 million people. The project officially became known ...

  3. Ohio 4-H News and Notes

    higher rates, and enroll in postsecondary programs more often when compared to young people who are not ...

  4. Environmental Professional's Breakfast: “One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health-- Protecting People and Planet”

      Keynote presentation by expert and leader: Lonnie King, DVM, Dean, OSU College of Veterinary Medicine   Tony Forshey, DVM, State Veterinarian, Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, moderator   A panel of experts and leaders: Barbara Wolfe, DVM, PhD, Chief Science ...

  5. Terms of Use

    people appearing in the photograph to use their image and you must be the owner or licensee of the ...

  6. Our People

    The ESS Lab is comprised of dedicated faculty and graduate students, who  possess overlapping areas of specialization and expertise,. ...
