
Search results

  1. OSU Weed Science Field Day, and include the number of people in your group.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the ...

  2. Fertilizer Certification Window Closes Soon

    fact, there have been over 17,250 people certified in Ohio in the past 3 years by OSU Extension.  There ...

  3. Nickel

    reaction such as a skin rash. Less frequently, some people sensitive to nickel have asthma attacks ... following exposure to nickel. People working in nickel refineries or processing plants who drank water ...

  4. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    December 16 or December 17. *** Livestock judging gives young people many valuable opportunities to develop ... informational meetings will be held December 16 and 17, 6-7pm, for those young people interested in livestock ...

  5. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    831 College Ave, Lancaster, OH 43130 PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED: Must have 10 people registered a week ...

  6. Copper

    Copper is an essential nutrient, but some people who drink water containing copper in excess of the ... people who drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over many years could suffer liver ... or kidney damage. People with Wilson's disease should consult their personal doctor. 1 300.00 ...

  7. Western Reserve Land Conservancy

    people of the North Central Ohio Lake Erie Watersheds to conserve in perpetuity the natural resources and ...

  8. Ottowa River Coalition

    Corporation representative "All these people are committed and they are really trying to do what is best ... move stormwater from one area to the next. When I started meeting people in the [ORC] I learned that ... "These people are very dedicated to the community and they are willing to go the extra mile to try to ...

  9. OSU Weed Science Field Tour

    Bruce Ackley,, and include the number of people in your group. ...

  10. Cover Crop Field Day Announcement

    for people to see.  It can plant one acre per minute. Refreshments will be available at the site. This ...
