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  1. The Power of Positivity

    efforts and kindness will continue to nurture young people for years to come. I hope you may appreciate ...

  2. June 2015 Newsletter

    Volunteer Meeting & Workshop June 30 – CARTEENS Class Franklin County Extension connects with people in ...

  3. Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well

    information, education and options that help address challenging issues in life. When people ask me what I do ...

  4. October Newsletter

    Farmer Workshop Series   Franklin County Extension connects with people in all stages of life, from young ...

  5. Celebrate National 4-H Week this year with Honor an Advisor

    support the mission of the Ohio 4-H Youth Development Program– to help young people develop skills that ...

  6. Botulism: What is it?

    people may be affected by the toxin. The CDC states that all cases of botulism are caused by eating food ...

  7. Take the Local Foods Challenge!

    or within the state.  People consider where their food was grown or raised and make an effort to ...

  8. Events Calendar

    and/or avoided by visitors to the woods because people don’t know what they are, have limited knowledge, ...

  9. Dean's Spring Dinner 2014

    flowers planted, you're going to see people doing studies, you're going to see people out with ... "It's a humbling experience because this is a group of people who said, `we are going to change the ...

  10. ‘One-of-a-kind research' opportunities: President Drake visits Wooster campus

    much about other people,” said Drake, who presented Amstutz with a special framed aerial photograph of ...
