
Search results

  1. Mindfulness- Are you ready for Christmas?

    stars on a clear night or even the children performing in a program.  Or maybe it’s sharing with people ...

  2. August Newsletter

    to: Franklin County Extension connects with people in all stages ... Extension connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. We work with ...

  3. Food Safety Danger Zone

    Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration an estimated 1 in 6 people get sick from a foodborne illness ...

  4. Wayne County Dairy Service Unit Annual Meeting

    Wooster.  All dairy farm families, as well as industry and support people connected with the dairy industry ...

  5. The Faculty Member Who Changed My Life

    Dr. Martin knew that I regularly come in contact with important people from the College and ...

  6. Dr. Bill Hildebolt

    area 20 years ago. Now people are finally realizing the full potential of biology-based programs,” he ...

  7. Standing Can Better Your Health

    in people who exercised regularly.  What does standing do?  By being on your feet a little more each ...

  8. $10 Ohio Local Foods Week Challenge

    local foods. There is not one definition for “local” food. When making food decisions, many people ...

  9. Family Farm Business Meetings Important

    Most people function better and stay more engaged in a meeting if there is a set end time that is ... people in the meeting listen.  Side conversations should not be allowed.  It takes practice and effort to ...

  10. Grain Bin Entry Safety

    Work in groups. Grain handling can be very dangerous and having 2-3 people present at all times can ...
