
Search results

  1. 4-H program boosts youth STEM interest

    drawing buildings, people, eyes of people, and animals—all on her computer. So, when she discovered that ...

  2. Work in the Time of COVID: Balancing Family, Work, and a Pandemic

    be part of the first people group of people to send our kids back?” Maul explained. In conversations ... flexibility with work from home in the future, “I think the pandemic has really opened a lot of people’s eyes ... remind me that the pandemic is not over. “In March, so many people were just thinking ‘what is this going ...

  3. About

    Farm Science Review, we can not forget the people and places that provided the foundation of what the ...

  4. Prepare your home and family for COVID-19: Plan

    the people who need to be included in your plan.  Meet with household members, other relatives, and ... conditions may be at risk for more serious complications. Early data suggest older people are more likely to ... for symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. CDC will recommend actions to help keep people at high risk for ...

  5. Learn to cope with on-farm hurdles at Farm Science Review 2019

    more than 100,000 people throughout three days. It features 4,000 product lines and over 700 commercial ...

  6. Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources and tips for Dementia Caregivers

    age and common health conditions that often accompany dementia may increase risk. For example, people ... Disease Control (CDC), and consider the following tips: For people living with dementia, increased ... increased confusion, contact your health care provider for advice. People living with dementia may need ...

  7. May 2021 Highlights

    well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of luck to our ...

  8. Caregiver resources

    independence for people in agriculture who want to continue to farm after experiencing a disabling condition. ... 4-H Youth Development 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, ...

  9. Ohio 4-H participates in 4-H at Home effort

    With COVID-19 disrupting learning for 55 million young people, National 4-H Council created 4-H at ...

  10. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    helping guide our young people; and Janet’s granddaughter, Ashlee, earned her master’s degree at Ohio ...
