
Search results

  1. Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation

    seeing different people with different purposes for digging in the dirt. More men and more couples are ... getting involved in gardening. Some are recent retirees making a connection to nature. Others are people ... questions that it can't answer to Goard. Connecting people to further information Extension also has ...

  2. May 22 Workshop: Have Your Landscape and Eat It Too

    workshop says yes, you can. “People have a renewed interest in growing plants that not only look nice but ...

  3. Milking Excellence

    animals.  Provide good nutritional programs. Use Appropriate Consultants.  Develop a team of people with ...

  4. Ohio AgritourismReady Conference

    people from the same farm or business. The deadline to register is April 3. Registration includes lunch ...

  5. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    including Amish-made lumber and furniture. “We hope people find it an eye-opening experience,” said ...

  6. Dicamba Restrictions Added

    labels to add various constraints including stating that only people certified to apply restricted-use ...

  7. From Forest to Furniture Tour

    including Amish-made lumber and furniture. “We hope people find it an eye-opening experience,” said ...

  8. Livestock Need Fresh Air

    animals and the people taking care of them. Poor ventilation can cause poor animal response to growth and ...

  9. Strawberry Field Night

    people. To register, contact Charissa Gardner at or at 740-289-2071 ext. 132. The ...

  10. OSU Animal Welfare Symposium: A Big Success

    University’s 2nd Annual Animal Welfare Symposium was held on November 30 in Columbus.  Approximately 350 people ...
