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  1. Starting a Farm? We Can Teach You How

    for people interested in starting a farm to find out basic information about what crops to plant or ...

  2. 4-H Counting on Alumni to Raise Their Hands in National Contest

    are relating to people all of the time.” While she grew up on a livestock farm, helped bale hay and ...

  3. Fertilizer Certification Window Closes Soon

    fact, there have been over 17,250 people certified in Ohio in the past 3 years by OSU Extension.  There ...

  4. OSU Weed Science Field Day, and include the number of people in your group.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the ...

  5. Precision University: Nutrient Technology

    a conference will be held in January to inform people about the many approaches and technological advances that ...

  6. Precision University: Nutrient Technology

    and when it’s applied, a conference will be held in January to inform people about the many approaches ...

  7. OARDC's Crabapple Blossoms are Peaking

    people a good chance to come see the blossoms, Snyder said. But there’s also a chance of showers and ...

  8. Corn Farmers Thrilled, Soybean Farmers Disheartened by this Year's Yields

    flour. This field corn is far different from the sweet corn that people eat. It’s harder, higher in ...

  9. Get Your Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification

    fertilizer needs to be spread on a field, he said. “People may be surprised to find out that sometimes ...

  10. Beef 510

    people behind the product. Glen Arnold, is an Associate Professor with Ohio State University Extension ...
