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Dr. Francis Fluharty Retires After 35 Years of Service
proud of the fact that my entire career has been devoted to trying to help people. My research has been ... said Dr. Fluharty. “I’ve tried to give people information that was scientifically valid, and ... economically useful, because the people we serve deserve our best.” Succe ss as a researcher and instructor has ...
CFAES Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research & Education (CHAIRE) Kick-Off Event
people, animals, and the environment. When: 5:00-8:00pm, December 7, 2017 (Open Hourse) 7:00pm ...
Dairy Judging Team Makes Trip to Switzerland
with a top of $24,000, and a phenomenal cow show attended by over 1000 people. Our eyes and ears were ...
2019 Buckeye Shepherd's Symposium
is how a lot of people in today’s world get their information. Some of the information was great, ... National Savings Bank covered the topic of how to connect with the appropriate people in order to sort out ...
Rhinebeck Equine Veterinary Technician Position
environment, complete with a great group of people who are supportive, helpful and goal-oriented. They offer ...
Drift Happens! Train the Trainer Workshop- April 20th
issues. Lunch and coffee will be provided. Cost will be $20. Participation limited to 20-25 people. Weed ...
Western Bean Cutworm Numbers Continue to Increase
Western bean cutworm (WBC) trap counts for the week of July 20 – 26 continue to increase in many counties across Ohio. A total of 26 counties monitored 88 traps, resulting in 636 WBC adults (7.2 statewide average moths per trap) (Figure 1). Counties that ...
ODA Asks Public to Not Plant any Unsolicited Packages of Seeds
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has been notified that several Ohio residents have received unsolicited packages in the mail containing seeds that appear to have originated from China. The types of seeds in the packages are currently unknown and ...
2020 Ohio Wheat Performance Test
Yield results for the 2020 Ohio Wheat Performance Test are online at: The purpose of the Ohio Wheat Performance Test is to evaluate wheat varieties, blends, brands, and breeding lines for ...