
Search results

  1. Ralph H. Grimshaw Memorial Scholarship Program

    “The Ohio sheep industry depends on young people who are considering and pursuing a career that will be ...

  2. Meat Science Program and Meat Judging Team Hold a Meat Judging Clinic

    fun, program again,” said Klehm. “I think it’s great she’s reaching out beyond the Department. People ...

  3. Environment and Natural Resources

    relationships between people and their natural environment through sustainable development. Learn more about the ... students to explore relationships between people and their natural environment through sustainable ...

  4. Animal Sciences

    Learn firsthand how people and animals work together for mutual benefit, and spend six weeks of winter ... Human and Animal Interactions Ireland December 2015 This program shows students how people use animals ...

  5. Livestock Judging: Turner 3

    McCoy, Fourth, Keystone, Tenth, All East Evaluation 2003 L to R: Stephanie Mullett, Coshocton; Kevin ...

  6. What is Your Personality Color Spectrum

    The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better ... the difference among the people around them. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Cost: $75 per ...

  7. Financial: Purchases

    university. Contact one of the People at the bottom of the page for more information on listed and other ... Reimbursements Contracts and Agreements Apparel and Promotions Forms People Links Purchasing policy (link is in ... the funds to which you have access, contact one of the department People listed below. eRequest All ...

  8. Congratulations Bonnie Ayars!

    industry by keeping many of these wonderfully talented young people focused on working in this dynamic ... recognize the dedication and effect of people like Bonnie Ayars on youth, for which she has been engaged for ...

  9. Why 'climate change doesn't seem so remote' now

    of the team's coordinators. "But the moment people hear what could happen to their health, ... so remote." "The moment people hear what could happen to their health, food supply, and ... series has reached more than 5,000 people from over 500 organizations through 23 webinars to date. Some ...

  10. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...
