
Search results

  1. December Newsletter

    Franklin County Extension connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. ...

  2. July 2015 Newsletter

    connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. We work with families and ...

  3. Conference to Help Ohio's Cities Manage Urban Wildlife

    and suburbs limit conflicts between people and wildlife, from deer to geese to coyotes. Organizers say ...

  4. Ohio State Experts to Speak at Sustainable Agriculture Conference

    improving people’s food security as a result, one of its university-wide areas of focus. Details are at ...

  5. New Year’s Resolution

    years when ancient people crowned new kings, shared gifts with the hope of a prosperous year or renewed ...

  6. Chow Line: Ring in healthy year with pork, sauerkraut

    a day, and more than half of the 1,500 milligrams a day that people with high blood pressure should ...

  7. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ...

  8. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    the people of the United States useful and practical information on subjects relating to agriculture, ...

  9. Welcome to our New 4-H Families!

    in Butler County.  I recommend that new 4-H families should feel free to contact various people and ... people in 4-H: *  Experience greater educational achievements *  Have greater motivation and aspirations ...

  10. Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension

    referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. More than 500 people contributed ideas in ...
