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  1. Events Calendar

    impacts of free-ranging cats as well as what people can do to ensure cats are well cared for and what can ...

  2. Yes, we can: 'Interest is exploding' in gardening, food preservation

    seeing different people with different purposes for digging in the dirt. More men and more couples are ... getting involved in gardening. Some are recent retirees making a connection to nature. Others are people ... questions that it can't answer to Goard. Connecting people to further information Extension also has ...

  3. Bringing People Together with Beannut Butter

    Sarah Steinbrunner is a senior majoring in Food Science and Technology who already has a marvelous product on the shelves. ...

  4. End-of-Campaign Homecoming Celebration

    into its Hall of Distinction. Nearly 300 people attended Saturday's FallFest tailgate, held ...

  5. FSR Hall of Fame Inductees

    The Farm Science Review honors the people that helped make the show a great place to visit. The ...

  6. Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Clarence Cunningham

    people I have taught has been very satisfying to me.”   Feel free to celebrate Dr. Cunningham's ...

  7. Ohio’s newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    Ohio but across the country,” he said. “The pleasure of continuing to see the growth of people I have ...

  8. Celebrating Your Impact

    people who have lost limbs or are going to lose a limb and tries to show them how well he gets along ... people who can run operations of that size and I hope to be as good of a manager as them someday.”-Sarah ... youth groups to begin as a leadership development initiative in 2009. This program gives young people ...

  9. Ohio State's new tobacco free policy kicks off Jan. 1

    people commonly use tobacco. As we near the implementation date of this policy, you are strongly ...

  10. Ohio 4-H inducts 4 into Hall of Fame

    At least 1,650 people attended the Ohio Volunteer Conference and Ohio Teen Conference, which capped ... A number of people were also recognized for their years of volunteer service to Ohio 4-H. The 2014 Ohio ...
