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Zika Virus: is it a threat to Ohioans?
primarily spread through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito. The illness is mild in most people ...
Ives Hall
240 people. Accessibility and ample light were two things placed first in planning Ives. Every ...
Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative Update: Project Cultivates Tanzanian Agricultural Expertise for Future
technical people to Tanzania to provide assistance in the agricultural sector, building their capacity to do ...
Environmental Professional's Breakfast: “One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health-- Protecting People and Planet”
Keynote presentation by expert and leader: Lonnie King, DVM, Dean, OSU College of Veterinary Medicine Tony Forshey, DVM, State Veterinarian, Ohio Dept. of Agriculture, moderator A panel of experts and leaders: Barbara Wolfe, DVM, PhD, Chief Science ...
Bioprocessing Research Lab- People
Director Dr. Frederick C. Michel Phone: 330-263-3859, Email: Dr. Michel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering and an Adjunt Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecul ...
Buckeyes Playing Long Game in Tanzanian ‘Feed the Future’ Initiative
rapidly growing population of 50 million people live on less than $1.25 a day. Malnutrition stunts the ...
Swank Program Information Resources
MetaFoundation People & Environment Initiative) Greater Ohio Growing for Market (news and ideas for direct ...