
Search results

  1. FSR Hall of Fame Inductees

    The Farm Science Review honors the people that helped make the show a great place to visit. The ...

  2. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    show how trees get turned into products, including Amish-made lumber and furniture. “We hope people ...

  3. How and why skipping meals to lose weight can backfire

    people,” said OARDC scientist Martha Belury of the College of Education and Human Ecology. “But you ...

  4. Introductory Workshop on Aquaculture and Aquaponics

    researchers. Registration is $45 per person or $75 for two people from the same farm, business or family. It ...

  5. EPN November Breakfast Club

    more than 500,000 people by 2050. Insight2050 is an effort to prepare Central Ohio for that future ...

  6. 50th Anniversary Marks- Email Signature

    APRIL 17TH: Not everyone's computers and email will adjust the mark correctly.  Some people will be ...

  7. FEREL Publications

    G.W., R.B. Heiligmann, and P.C. Goebel. 2005. The Ohio Maple Syrup Industry: The People, the Practices, ...

  8. September is Food Safety Month

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. Annually, some 48 million people get foodborne ...

  9. Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World

    Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World in 103 Kottman Hall with a video link to 123 Williams Hall ...

  10. March 1 Conference for Ohio Natural Resource Professionals

    a disease that kills trees could actually help forests, and what’s really going on when people and wildlife ...
