
Search results

  1. Food Science and Technology Hall of Distinction Welcomes Six Inductees

    On October 6 th, the Department of Food Science and Technology recognized several people who have ...

  2. Her family's loss propels mission to fight foodborne illness

    didn't. In 2001, at age 2 1/2, Kevin became one of the estimated 3,000 people to die each year in the ...

  3. Ohio Stable in Farm Bankruptcies, While Nation is Up

    the biggest factor that influences farm bankruptcy filings because a lot of people use their land as ...

  4. Study Abroad Memories

    environment, and I tell them that it's a lot like my work in England- people just talk with a different ... to teach people, improve my Japanese, adapt to a different culture, and give me more confidence to ...

  5. From Pigs to People: Identifying a Threat

    University in the Netherlands identified a pig virus with the potential to spread to people.  No human cases ...

  6. Cover Crops for Prevented Planting Acres at ONU Thursday, June 27

    Sundermeier, OSU Extension, Wood County.  Resource people who will be available to answer your questions ...

  7. Gibraltar Island Tours- Put-In-Bay, Ohio

    driver. Tours are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, with a maximum of 70 people. You can also ...

  8. Study finds 3 percent of food wasted when adults choose their meals, versus 40 percent from boxed lunches

    The same people who on average left just 3 percent of their food on their plates when choosing ... Collaborative. “This study allows us to go into the daily eating habits of adults and suggests that when people ... with too much food or serving yourself too much are becoming more apparent. “When this happens, people ...

  9. Twelve Honored at the CFAES Alumni Awards Luncheon

    congratulates its 2019 Alumni Awards recipients. “It is wonderful to see so many people from our college ...

  10. Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop- Hardin County

    limited to 25 people. The following link will connect you to online registration: ...
