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Worker Protection Standard Compliance Manual
protect people who both handle and apply pesticides used in crop production, or who are exposed to ...
Farm Transition Workshop
his work and expertise in farm transition. Other resource people and presenters at the workshop ...
Ohio Saves: Save Money, Reduce Debt, Build Wealth
help all people focus on saving money, reducing debt, and building wealth over time. It is completely ...
people over for a gathering so that you have a reason to clean? Do you find it hard to say “no”? Do you ...
Holiday Spending: Curb Your Urge To Splurge
traditions and rituals are the foundation of most people's cherished memories of holidays past. As the ...
Extension Reconsidered Luncheon
Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...
National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014
fifty people the wonderful benefits that they all gained through the Butler County 4-H program. Each ... many people fear public speaking more than death. 4-H teaches countless life skills used in our ... people and their families gain beneficial skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and ...
A showcase for farming’s new science and tech
lines. Expected total attendance is more than 110,000 people. That’s more than fit in Ohio Stadium. Read ...
Wheat Field Day
researchers are describing during the classroom portion of the programing, Lindsey said. “People get more out ... of field days because they can gain the visual examples of what the data provides, so that people can ...
10th Annual Stinner Summit
ground, ways that people can work together toward the common purpose of healthy agroecosystems and ...