
Search results

  1. Tri-State Diversity Converence

    goal is to link people and resources together in order to better integrate diversity into programs, ...

  2. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room.  Are people happy to see ...

  3. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership is Sold Out

    A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room.  Are people happy to see ...

  4. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room.  Are people happy to see ...

  5. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership- Online

    A quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room.  Are people happy to see ...

  6. Ohio State Peace Corps Recruiter Awarded Prestigious Lillian Carter Award

    Corps' third goal of promoting a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. Jack was ... people, has brought about Ohio State’s rise to #4 in the Peace Corps’ annual rankings of colleges and ...

  7. Leadership Institute: Effective Coaching and Emotional Intelligence:

    emotional effectiveness as well as effective coaching (how we take good people and make them the best they ...

  8. Applying Your Strengths @ Work (Online)

    organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know their talents and use ...

  9. Bangladeshi Graduate Student Addresses Food Insecurity in Home Country Through Research at Ohio State

    Initiative. Because of Bangladesh's already high population density- approximately 160 million people in ... nutritional demands of the people in Bangladesh," shares Alam. In fact, Bangladesh now ranks 5th  in the ... the demand of 160-plus million people, we definitely need new, dynamic, and cost-effective ...

  10. How to Get Along with (Almost) Everyone

    Not to mention, figuring out what makes people tick and how best to deal with them is downright ...
