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training program designed to address the myriad issues that arise as people and wildlife struggle to ...
Micki Zartman Scarlet and Gray Ag Day to Recognize, Inspire Superheroes in Our Fields
interviews, contact Stephanie Verhoff at 419-796-0055 or email, or Leslie Risch at ... 614-292-4278 or email Stephanie Verhoff False False False True False False True False False ...
Water Quality in the Western Lake Erie Basin
Water quality extension associates work as a team with faculty, extension specialists, and educators and bring current information, applied research, and resources to the agricultural community. Our goal is to engage farmers and their trusted advisors in ...
EcoErek to the Rescue: Denim Collection at the 2012 Scarlet and Gray Ag Day To arrange interviews please contact Stephanie Verhoff at 419-796-0055 or email ..., or Leslie Risch at 614-292-4278 or email Stephanie Verhoff False False False ...
Apply for Water Quality Extension Associate Position
Work with farmers in the Western Lake Erie Basin to implement mangagement strategies to decrease nutrient loads leaving their fields. If you enjoy outreach, education, research, and working with farmers this is the position for you! Position is located at ...
Gluten Free Eating Resources
diet. For people who make the decision to eat gluten free as a matter of dietary choice and not ...
Ohio State Helps Develop Money Management Tool Available Online
one of four researchers involved in the project. The principal investigator is Stephanie Moulton of ... continue to be refined, and people who are using it are providing constructive feedback as well as positive ...
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