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  1. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2022 Summer Graduation

    and Technology, I have truly met some of the best people in this program. [Food Science] Graduate ... a great time to catch up with people in the department), the OSU football games (attending the OSU x Penn ... thankful for the people I’ve met in Parker in the past years, for helping me with research and for the ...

  2. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2022 Spring Graduation

    favorite memory of Ohio State was meeting people from so many different places and learning about their ... goals and where they came from! The people I met are the ones that made my OSU experience AMAZING! ... – My favorite memory at Ohio State was getting to know so many people in my classes. Since most people ...

  3. Ohio Laws Governing Manure and Mud on Roadways

    damage, injury, or death to people or damage to vehicles on the road.  Harmed parties may bring ...

  4. How to ruin the taste of a cookie with just 2 words

    products that people actually want.” The study tested the impact of food labeling on the human ... people to be skeptical of claims that a product is better just because it’s labeled “new and improved.” ... “With the negative contextualized messaging, there were more negative attributes selected – people ...

  5. Tenth Anniversary of Dairy Palooza

    Smith, and myself. Layer in all the presenters, donators, and behind the scenes people and you have an ... extraordinary group of selfless people dedicated to the cause of educating the next generation. If you would ...

  6. Recognizing and Managing Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle

    people.  Depending upon their level of production, temperatures as low as 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit can ...

  7. Corn Silage Harvest Safety Should Be Priority One

    people walking around moving equipment. First be sure everyone is aware of the additional equipment ...

  8. May 2022 Department Highlights

    a chance to share some of their favorite memories as well as acknowledge some of the people who supported ...

  9. November 2021 Highlights

    Prevention,  on being selected as one of four people awarded the Volunteer Service Award by INFORMS (the ... physicochemical reasons people pair some ingredients together in  “Does pineapple belong on pizza? The science ...

  10. Nutrition & Wellness

     Nutrition Programming:  We teach a variety of programs on nutrition including Mindful Eating, Eating Heart-Healthy, Instant Pot 101, and more. OSU Extension offers a program called Mindful Wellness  which gives an overview on the science behind the art o ...
