
Search results

  1. Shared Harvest

    during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the ...

  2. Our Services

    about people and sustainability.  As examples, we have addressed questions like:  How do experiences ...

  3. ESS Lab Peer-Reviewed Publications

    bird feeding. People and Nature, Hamilton, M., C. Evers, M. ... community is tightening socialecological network structures in the face of global change.” People and Nature ...

  4. New open access data set available on caregiving

    caregiving across the life course (children, adults, and elderly) and includes data on why people are being ...

  5. Grants Fuel the Co-creation of Outdoor Play for Teen Girls and Their Communities

    environment, Mank’s present work is inspired by her observations of fewer young people visiting public spaces ...

  6. Publications In Previous Years Bessette, D. L., Wilson, R. S., & Arvai, J. L. (2021). Do people disagree with themselves? ... S., & Arvai, J. L. (2019).  Do people disagree with themselves? Exploring the internal consistency ...

  7. TWEL Completed Projects

    Coastal Wetlands of the Western Lake Erie Basin Stephanie A. Hauver, MS (2008) The role of genetic ... Stephanie Sforza, MS (2021) Spatial Analyses of Northern Bobwhite Occupancy and White-tailed Deer Hunter ...

  8. Shared Harvest

    phone number, and number of people living in your household by age and show proof of residency by ... drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours, please do not line up early.  We ask people ...

  9. Jeremy Bruskotter

    explaining how people make conservation-related judgments and decisions, and the intersection of such ...   My research is centered on understanding and explaining how people make conservation-related ... interested in how people make decisions related to the conservation of wildlife, and the origins of ...

  10. Rooting Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape part of the Gardening for Conservation webinar series with The Nature Conservancy and OSU Extension

    everywhere among us. And they’re causing big problems for people and wildlife alike. In this session, we’ll ...
