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  1. Learn How to Dry and Preserve Fruits and Vegetables

    for people who want to learn more about basic food preservation using dehydration methods. To ...

  2. SAMMIE module topics

    must do to get your program ready to be evaluated. Getting Everybody on Board Sometimes people will ... people, it is imperative that their rights be protected. Learn about your responsibilities in this ... to people is the age-old way of collecting information. This module helps you conduct the most ...

  3. ACEL students selected to serve as CFAES ambassadors

    with people in and around our industries and communities.” These five students join 12 ACEL students ...

  4. Wilson completes internship with Ohio Farm Bureau

    hired, trained and managed a team of 25-30 young people that served as ambassadors throughout the fair ...

  5. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about pressure canning.  No fee to attend. ...

  6. Canning Vegetables, Meats and Combination Foods

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about pressure canning.  No fee to attend. ...

  7. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. ...

  8. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. ...

  9. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Introductory class for people who want to learn more about water bath canning.  No fee to attend. ...

  10. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

    really bright, energetic, creative young people to do that. Traditionally we would have hired somebody ... dramatically, because a lot of people took those early retirement options. And so right as I got here, we went ... 100 new people, and we have a total of 240 agents in the field. So it was a significant amount of ...
