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  1. ACEL to Extension

    Emotional Intelligence Presenter: Jeff King Recording: Emotionally intelligent people ...   January 20, 2022- Dealing with Difficult People (Recording) Thursday, January 20, 2022 Dealing with ... Difficult People Presenter: Jeff King Register: As we work to fulfill the Extension ...

  2. Dealing with Difficult People & Conflict Resolution

    behaviors” exhibited by those we may think are “difficult people.” Being able to reframe your view of ... conflict and difficult people (or, more accurately, behaviors) can help you reduce stress, enhance ... productivity, and success. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn to see both people and conflict in new ...

  3. Betsy Cunningham

    during all 4 years of my undergraduate degree and really liked working with the people in the program. ...

  4. Of tractors and triumph: The ag adventure of Cooper Meshew

    a degenerative nerve disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). The disease affects 1 in 2,500 people, but Meshew ... has a rare variant of the disease, one that only about 1 in 10 million people worldwide develop. CMT ... asked to do work that involved running a tractor. “I had quite a few people call me and offer me jobs ...

  5. Backyard Poultry Certification

    steadily as more people want to provide for their family and personal food security. We have also seen an ...

  6. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Cameron Stephens

    people. If you read my story below you will see there have been many people that have helped guide me to ... where I am today. It’s a close-knit community full of great people who are professional, hardworking, ... and sophomore year, and talked to as many people as possible to try and get some direction or clarity ...

  7. The Supervisor's Toolbox Certificate Program-Live Online

    be effective! The Supervisor's Toolbox is for frontline supervisors, lead people, those new to ...

  8. Dr. Eugene Law

    right?”. This led to a great conversation about “weedy” plant traits and when people might consider a plant ...

  9. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Eugene Law

    a great conversation about “weedy” plant traits and when people might consider a plant to be a weed, and ...

  10. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Nate McKinniss

    impactful highlights so far have been the people I met, and the relationships made. That is a long list and ... grow people. Today, we have a wide variety of academic paths for you to choose from to help you ...
