
Search results

  1. SENR Q&A: Winter Wildlife

    enhancing winter habitat SENR:   Are there things that people, especially those that have yards or manage ... the winter? MT:  Oh yes, there is a lot that people can do in backyards and managed landscapes for ... of dried or fresh fruit.   There are also important things people can do for winter wildlife during ...

  2. Megan Brittingham

    4-H Youth Development since 2005 and believes all young people benefit from the life skills gained ...

  3. Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity awarded to renowned soil scientist Rattan Lal

    people across five continents. His dedication has earned him numerous global awards, such as the Japan ...

  4. (Speaker Series) Indigenous Right Relations: Shifting Power and Land Forward

    of Indigenous Peoples throughout North America, with a few examples of how they have engaged locally ... by Indigenous Peoples often achieves better outcomes for our lands, waters, and climate than ... reach their most ambitious 2030 goals for our climate, waters, oceans, biodiversity, and people alike. ...

  5. TWEL People

    TWEL People Faculty and Staff Name Title Office Phone Email Jeremy Bruskotter Professor 473B ...

  6. New open access data set available on caregiving

    caregiving across the life course (children, adults, and elderly) and includes data on why people are being ...

  7. Grants Fuel the Co-creation of Outdoor Play for Teen Girls and Their Communities

    environment, Mank’s present work is inspired by her observations of fewer young people visiting public spaces ...

  8. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    affinity toward or prejudice against some people (implicit bias). We will explore how our socialization ...

  9. Healthy People

    Our Healthy People programs seek to educate Ohio residents about living healthy lives. Our Healthy ... People programs include lessons on healthy eating and cooking, physical activity, sun safety, food ... preservation, and food safety. The overall goal of Healthy People programming is to equip Ohioans with the ...

  10. TWEL Completed Projects

    Coastal Wetlands of the Western Lake Erie Basin Stephanie A. Hauver, MS (2008) The role of genetic ... Stephanie Sforza, MS (2021) Spatial Analyses of Northern Bobwhite Occupancy and White-tailed Deer Hunter ...
