
Search results

  1. News Release: Ohio State students selected for national agricultural education symposium

    Green High School in Bowling Green, Ohio, under the supervision of Stephanie Conway. Weller, of ...

  2. Pollinators in Urban Centers: Vacant Land Habitats

    vacant lots, balancing the needs of people and insects in vacant lot design, how to establish native ...

  3. Ohio Victory Gardens Seed Giveaway

    to 25 counties across the state, with 8,300 seed packets available free to the public to get people ... shortage now, ODA and OSU Extension are reviving the effort and once again encouraging people to plant ...

  4. Students named to CFAES Dean's List

    Robert Thiel Sara Thwaits Kayla Walls Samantha Wander Brittany Weller Jessica White Stephanie Wuebben ...

  5. Dining with Diabetes

    control your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people ...

  6. Healthy ways to improve immunity

    system? Your question is on the minds of many consumers, as more people have been reaching for vitamin ...

  7. Eight ACEL alumni finalists for Ohio's Golden Owl Award

    The Ohio State University. They are: Stephanie Conway ’04, agricultural educator at Bowling Green High ...

  8. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers. Dates:  February 1 -   ...

  9. Naturalist Series: Human and Wildlife: Landscape Change, Wildlife Adaptation, and Human Influence

    HERE People have changed Ohio’s landscape since the time of the earliest land surveys in the late ...

  10. ACEL undergraduates complete in research forums

    completed will help them in their future careers to improve the communities, programs and people they will ...
