
Search results

  1. Celebrating Occupational Therapy Outreach for the Farm

    works with OT practitioners to promote independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts ...

  2. Back to School Preparedness Tips and Resources

    phone numbers. Discuss pick-up or bus schedules and alternative/emergency back-up people involved in ...

  3. County Government Relations

    each county, connecting the university to the people and helping communities solve problems. Each ...

  4. Agricultural Equipment

    These factors increase the odds: Motor vehicle traffic increases yearly. Fewer people have farm ...

  5. Preventing Barn Fires

    contents. In order to protect the valuable assets stored in barns including livestock and also the people ...

  6. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: These are a few of our Farmers favorite things

    also use tools and equipment that are designed for ease of use for people of all abilities. LED lights ...

  7. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities

    Please come an join us at this one-day workshop! “People with intellectual and developmental ... knowledge and understanding of employment for people with developmental disabilities in agricultural ... settings • Learn about existing agricultural models that employ people with developmental disabilities ...

  8. CABLE Student Delegate Spotlight: Ernesto Zuleta

    production from biomass. I have been working in this field since my undergraduate studies. To meet people ...

  9. ‘Tis the Season for Funnel Clouds

    Designate where to go for protection from a tornado and ensure adequate assistance and access for people ...

  10. Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders, One 4-H Member at a Time

    has on the 6 million young people who participate. In 2014, more than 216,000 young Ohioans ... people become members or begin new projects in 4-H clubs, Archer said. The week culminates with the  Ohio ... isn’t related to 4-H clubs, provide young people high-quality hands-on learning experiences that spark ...
