
Search results

  1. Miralha to lead $4.9 million grant project to train water industry workforce in Ohio

    the training program. “We plan to train people who will get jobs at the end of each training level we ...

  2. Money As You Grow

    foundation for the young people in their lives, but they might not feel that they have enough time, tools, ...

  3. A Change Of Perspective Can Help With Overall Attitude

    I behave, some people will be mean-spirited, dishonest, irresponsible, and unkind, but if I fight fire with ... change my life, but they are also contagious, and they can change the lives of people I interact with. ...

  4. Workshop: Implicit Associations, Insidious Assumptions: Unintended Manifestations of Bias in Everyday Life

    affinity toward or prejudice against some people (implicit bias). We will explore how our socialization ...

  5. Mazzy's Hawaiian Adventure- Part 2

    some schoolwork. I cannot recommend what I’m doing this summer enough to people who want to travel ...

  6. It's Patio Grilling Season, And Here Are Tips To Ward Off The Germs

    preparation surfaces.  With these two combinations, people may become ill and claim they have a “24-hour bug” ...

  7. Dr. Tyler Carr

    coach in White Hall, AR, a small town with only about 5,000 people. Like many other baseball coaches in ...

  8. Legacy Dinner Auctions Raise $3,270 To Support 4-H Programs

    program. Thank you to those sponsors Farmer’s National Bank, Chad and Stephanie Bailey, The Apple Creek ...

  9. Workshop: Responding to Microaggressions: Bystander Intervention Strategies that Work for Everyone

    others, sometimes unintentionally and frequently directed toward people from marginalized social identity ...

  10. Lydia Wins 3rd Place at the GRS in the PhD Research Category

    proposal division, which was smaller, so this year I knew I had a lot more fantastic people to compete ... with. I feel honored to have received an award alongside some really amazing, accomplished people who ... people from the HCS community came to do tastings or participated in the descriptive analysis panel. It ...
