
Search results

  1. IAC Meeting

    245 Stephanie Dunkel Wednesday, January 11, 2023- 11:30am to 12:30pm ...

  2. IAC Meeting

    245 Stephanie Dunkel Wednesday, December 7, 2022- 11:30am to 12:30pm ...

  3. Summer Can Be Hard On A Diabetic; Here Are Tips To Keep You Cool

    University Extension Educator for Family and Consumer Sciences in Coshocton County. People who have diabetes ... effective not allowing the body to cool itself as well. In general, people with diabetes get dehydrated more ... can also lead to dehydration.  People who need insulin may need to adjust their insulin dose, so close ...

  4. Studies Map the Positive Impacts of Nature On Health and Wellness

    People tend to think that being in nature is a luxury, but it’s actually a necessity, said Laura Stanton, ...           Studies also show that people who spend time outside report decreased feelings of fatigue and ... improved sleep after having that dose of fresh air. The educators noted that people are spending less time ...

  5. IAC Meeting

    245 Stephanie Dunkel Repeats every month on December on the second Tuesday until Wed Dec 07 2022. ...

  6. Morning with the Masters: Large or Small- The Japanese Garden

    Stephanie Hughes Details:  If you have ever visited a Japanese garden, you know it is a very personal ...

  7. Corn Silage Price, Processing, Performance, and Preparation

    equipment and safe peoplePeople safety is number one and the silage safety motto from Dr. Keith Bolsen’s ... length and kernel rolls, keep people safety first, and review equipment safety and update as needed.  ...

  8. Check This Out If You Are One Who Routinely Multitasks

    two gave them good feelings. * Additional studies in laboratory settings have found that people show ...

  9. IAC Meeting

    219 Stephanie Dunkel Repeats every month on the second Wednesday until Tue May 23 2023. Wednesday, ...

  10. Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm

    are trying to promote here – a farm, a model farm where we will try different things, have people come ...
