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  1. Exhibitor Focused on Building Increased Cross-Border Trade at 2015 Farm Science Review

    Ohio State University, is one that is echoed and supported by Show Manager Chuck Gamble. “Most people ...

  2. Farm Science Review Allows Farmers, Producers, to Question Ag Authorities

    topic, Ernst said. “A goal of the program is to try to plant ideas and get people to be thinking about ...

  3. CD Wire- June 22, 2020

    Council of Governments, to name a few. I concluded that if real economic improvement was to happen, people ... 70,000 businesses in Ohio are owned by people over 55. As these owners prepare for retirement, how will ... threaten the complete suspension of migration, preventing people from moving across borders is not as ...

  4. CD Wire- December 14, 2020

    Environments for People of All Genders Putting the "E"xcellence back in TEAM: Understanding Your ... send an email, schedule a meeting, or start a conference call with several people. Learn more about ...

  5. CD Wire- August 3, 2020

    and building relationships with other people. Richard’s family has a long history of teaching, and he ... focuses on the resources and strengths of the neighborhood (i.e., people, places, partnerships) rather ... ridership is struggling, and people have rediscovered walking and biking. How is this disruption affecting ...

  6. Farm Science Review to Honor Individuals in 26th Hall of Fame Class

    three-day farm show. “John and Harold will join an extraordinary group of people who have gone above and ...

  7. Chainsaw safety, dozens more topics on tap for Farm Science Review’s Gwynne Conservation Area

    opportunity to interact with resource people on specific topics, see some of those topics applied on the ...

  8. CD Wire- November 16, 2020

    determinants of health are defined by the World Health Organization as "the conditions in which people are ... has been made to allow more people to attend the webinar. A webinar will be offered every other month ...

  9. The US budget deficit, the national debt and the value of money

    people perk up when the subject turns to money. Humor aside for a moment, the topic of the deficit and ... have severely damaged the world economy and cost hundreds of millions of people their jobs. And I am ... not talking about people in the financial sector. I am talking about people in all lines of work ...

  10. CD Wire- February 15, 2021

    February 16: The move away from BuckeyeBox will encourage more people to use Teams and OneDrive, but they ...
