
Search results

  1. Webinar: Introduction to Neurodivergence

    community. Value the unique gifts, abilities, and skills neurodivergent people possess because of their ... neurodivergent people in a variety of contexts. Function as an ally to neurodivergent people by countering ...

  2. Webinar: Understanding ADHD

    unique gifts, abilities, and skills people with ADHD possess because of their experiences living in ... a society primarily designed for neurotypical brains. Better understand and engage with people who have ADHD ... in a variety of contexts.  Function as an ally to people with ADHD by countering misinformation with ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Conference celebrates teen achievements

    Ohio 4-H mission—empowering young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. As a camp counselor, ...

  4. BuckeyeNext

    programs available for Ohio young people. Built like a game, the program is fun, engaging, and impactful. ... skills required to engage equitably and include people from different local and global cultures. ...

  5. Ohio 4-H Camping Programs

    challenges that develop leadership, citizenship, and life skills in young people. Here's what Ohio 4-H ...

  6. Jessica Tagg

    because I want to open people up to new opportunities, meet new people, and to help make OSU feel a little ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Scholarships

    citizenship or community service. Ohio 4-H Scholarships were established in 1976 in order to help young people ...

  8. CFAES DEI Speaker Series

    environmental sciences. The speaker series strives to center the voices of people from minoritized populations ...

  9. Workshop: Exploding Myths About Transgender and Nonbinary People

    Although transgender and nonbinary people have gained significant visibility over the past decade, ... hostile to people with gender identities that fall outside of cisnormativity (i.e., the belief that being ... about people who have for centuries defied conventional gender norms must be challenged and replaced in ...

  10. (Speaker Series) Cultivating Understanding: Engaging with Opposing Views in Agricultural Discussions

    Monsanto on technologies such as genetically modified organisms that some people found controversial or ... confusing. Using agricultural communication as an example, Janice will outline ways to approach people who ...
