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  1. November 2021 Highlights

    Prevention,  on being selected as one of four people awarded the Volunteer Service Award by INFORMS (the ... physicochemical reasons people pair some ingredients together in  “Does pineapple belong on pizza? The science ...

  2. Endowed Chairs and Distinguished Professors

    industry supporters. The resulting committee was chaired by Webb Jennings. Many people spent much time and ...

  3. Gluten Free Eating 2021

    diet. For people who make the decision to eat gluten free as a matter of dietary choice and not ...

  4. 2011 Graduates of the OSU Dairy Certificate Program

    was this year with the following graduates: Stephanie Adams (London, OH), Jason Hartschuh (Bloomville, ... right): Front row – Alissa Hunter and Hanna Lemle Back row – Chad Riethman and Stephanie Adams Not ...

  5. December 2021 Department Highlights

    favorite memories as well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of ...

  6. Dr. Jiyoung Lee

    Dr. Jiyoung Lee Professor 614-292-5546 406 Cunz ...

  7. Valuing Bedded-Pack Manure

    tarp. Fold up the tarp and weigh the manure captured. Many people use a bathroom scales for this. One ...

  8. Annual Banquet for the Buckeye Dairy Club and the Department of Animal Sciences

    – Chad Riethman; Lemmermen – Kevin Jacque; COBA/Select Sires Wallace Erickson –Stephanie Neal; Dairy ... officers for the Buckeye Dairy Club are: President- Stephanie Adams; First Vice-President – Jason ... Council Representative – Teresa Smith; and Web Page-  Stephanie Neal. Another highlight of the program was ...

  9. Endowed Chair in Food Science Created

    enlightens. “This lab has graduated people who are now leaders in food safety nationwide,” Yousef said. “Our ...

  10. Scientists on the scent of flavor enhancement

    University and senior author of the study. “It’s really hard to understand what people experience, and ... influence that perception, maybe that’s a way to get people to eat healthier.” The study is published in the ... said. “We think there’s cognitive interference from the language centers that impacts how people do this ...
