
Search results

  1. BeKind Service Project

    name.# to register. Community people will need to create an account…it is easy….and if not email stuck.9 ...

  2. Organizational Capacity Building Programs

    change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...

  3. BRE Scope of Services and Cost

    to establish a plan of work to include project timeline, identify key inputs (including people who ...

  4. OSU Day at Cedar Point!

    before it opens for the 2022 season! Tickets are only $30 for students and the first 4,000 people in the ...

  5. FABE Students Serve Columbus Community, Address Food Insecurity through Coursework

    of how I want to take engineering and use my academics to help other people and serve other ... people too.” For Des Rosiers, FABENG 3200S opened-up new ways of thinking and implementing engineering ... empathy, and your interest in service-learning; you’re able to help other people in a way I didn’t think ...

  6. Campus Activities Board (CAB)

    students! Meetings: Weekly Advisor: Benefits of Being a CABbie: Meet new people and make new friends! Plan ...

  7. Work Ethic Scholarships

    this year’s Work Ethic Scholarship Program. "Through this program, we recognize people who ...

  8. National Day of Racial Healing

    from the effects of racism. The Day is an opportunity to bring ALL people together in our common ...

  9. Diversity and Inclusion

    Team supports is the Celebration of Nations held annually. Diversity is differences among people ...

  10. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Classes, Office Closed   Indigenous People's Day/Columbus Day Friday. November 26th- No Classes, ...
