
Search results

  1. Thanksgiving Break

    Thursday, Nov. 24- Thanksgiving Day. No classes, offices closed. Friday, Nov. 25- Indigenous Peoples ...

  2. Noon Basketball

    pick-up basketball. Come check us out and enjoy getting to know some new people via friendly competition ...

  3. Disability:IN and NextGen Initiatives

    students, graduate students, and recent graduates with disabilities are invited to apply. People of color, ...

  4. It's Chili Time!

    team name and the # of people on your team.  We will provide utensils, cups, spoons, tables, and voting ...

  5. Czech Theater and Culture Program

    (non-Columbus) campuses.  Students will learn about the history and culture of the Czech people through the lens ...

  6. Wooster Science Cafe: The Science of Invasive Pests

    of Entomology at OSU’s OARDC. Her work focuses on informing people around the identification of pest ...

  7. December 2022 Department Highlights

    some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of luck to our newest alumni. Dr. Bala ...

  8. BeKind Service Project

    name.# to register. Community people will need to create an account…it is easy….and if not email stuck.9 ...

  9. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2022 Summer Graduation

    and Technology, I have truly met some of the best people in this program. [Food Science] Graduate ... a great time to catch up with people in the department), the OSU football games (attending the OSU x Penn ... thankful for the people I’ve met in Parker in the past years, for helping me with research and for the ...

  10. Announcing the 2021 Ohio State ATI Outstanding Students

    Nissen Stephanie Nicole Novak Patrick Parker Katelynn K Pence Kenneth Ramsier Hannah Nicole Sommers         ...
