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  1. Environmental Film Series Starts Oct. 20

    how people’s use of land and water can still support diverse wildlife and protect the environment, ...

  2. Research presented at Ecological Society of America

    Scarlett.  Scarlett addressed the intersecting needs of people and nature and the integration of science in ...

  3. The Marks of a "Real" Ohio Dairy Producer,

    political process, regardless of how ugly it appears. They also understand that the people in the State ...

  4. Roundup Ready Alfalfa Available for Planting in 2011

    be a useful technology for some people but may not be for others. As genetically modified alfalfa use ...

  5. Improving Neighbor Relations in the Face of Palmer Amaranth, a New Weed with New Challenges

    (pig weed) family. Some people may ask, “Why the focus on pigweeds? We have had them for as long as ...

  6. Pigs Gone Wild Have Come to Ohio

    feral swine originated two ways. They escaped from farms or hunting preserves. Or people released them ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar

    to engage in broader discussions about the factors that structure people's voting behavior.     ...

  8. Sustainable Change Program Offers Students Service-Learning and Development Experience in Ghana, West Africa

    history and culture. The landscape is astonishing and the generosity of the people is unparalleled. Ghana ...

  9. Engaging OSU Students in Conservation Practices and Planning

    (TNC) to educate people about stream restoration. TNC’s Anthony Sasson, freshwater biologist, joins ... soil health, in Logan County.  Lloyd also shared the deep connections Amish people have to caring for ... Natural Resources and Instructor David Hanselmann thank all of the many resource people who met with ...

  10. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    discharge and harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie Modeling tools that can help people understand and ...
