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  1. Communiqué November 21, 2012

    a commitment to a client, people tend to be more rigid. But when it comes to a family commitment, they tend to ... to justify breaking those commitments more easily. However, commitments to people at home, I believe ... symbol of your honor. Above all traits, don’t we respect people that possess honor? Back to Top OSUE ...

  2. CD Wire- January 20, 2015

    issues related to the healthy lifestyle of people and the financial health of local communities. Trudy ... a strength in developing, promoting and fostering partnerships to work for the good of the people who live ...

  3. Ohio 4-H Week

    4-H Conference on March 14 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. This year, nearly 1,400 people ...

  4. CD Wire- October 24, 2016

    effective November 4. Frank has been focused on developing people and organizations his entire career and in ...

  5. Ohio Turfgrass Foundation 2015 Conference and The Ohio State University Green Industry Short Course

    Greener Future.” The joint event is for people who work in such fields as lawn care, tree care, ...

  6. Emerald Ash Borer

    relatively healthy. By the time most people notice canopy thinning or dieback, EAB has already caused ...

  7. CD Wire- March 19, 2018

    provide the people of Ohio with the type of high quality, relevant programming they expect and deserve.” ...

  8. Organic Crop Field Day

    People are another reason. “The commitment to advancing our agriculture, including organic, for ...

  9. Communiqué July 6, 2011

    our jobs well, and that we have the right people in the right positions. We have good people, but we ... measurable impacts for our clientele; and communicate this to stakeholders; we can’t assume people know what ... times of stress to remain civil as we respond to situations and people. I am pleased with the ...

  10. CD Wire- August 5, 2013

    Additional people from the same county can register without ordering additional kits. Contact Kathy Michelich ...
